Are you at the point where you’ve made up your mind that you want to start exercising- start increasing your physical activity- start living a healthier life, but struggling to get over into action?
Good news!
You can start TODAY!
As humans we always strive for perfection. We always want to improve and be better than previously. Thats part of our human Nature- natural instinct I would call it.
This ”strive for perfection” is our friend in succeeding in life BUT can also be our greatest enemy when it comes to starting with something. (in this specific instance with exercise). The problem arrises by our ability to overthink everything- and that whole thought process overrides our ability to go over into action...then procrastination happens.
Some examples of how we overthink:
- I don’t have enough time, I need at least 30min to get in a good workout, otherwise it won’t make a difference.
- I don’t have the correct exercise gear/ clothes.
- I don’t have gym membership/ garden/ space to workout in.
- I am tired. Or favorite- I had a long and hard day at work.
- I need to start at the beginning of the month. On a Monday. or any other silly specific day?
When starting out ANYTHING is better than NOTHING!!!
If you haven’t worked out for a few days/ few years, start off by doing 5min TODAY. Like I said. Anything is better than nothing. Do what you can with the time you have. Do what you can IN what you have. (As long as you are comfortable and are able to move in it- you can exercise in it!) Do what you can with the space you have. Do what you can TODAY- because theres no good reason not to.
With that being said- do what you can today- and repeat everyday!!!
Once you are in a daily routine of exercising you can increase the time and intensity slowly. Only then you have to change the small details/ extras if you want to.
Whatever you do- just START TODAY!!!!
DO IT!!!
