Should you exercise while menstruating? How to optimise your training program according to your monthly cycle.
“Menstruation, or period, is normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as part of a woman's monthly cycle.” Menstruation has it’s own hiccups and inconveniences- but it is nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing to keep quiet about. And the more you know about it and understand it- the more you will embrace it and work with it, rather than against it.
This topic is something I personally deal with on a mental-level every single month. I try to understand the whole process (cycle)- try to figure it out... but it seems the more I think I know- and understand it- the more I realise there is to still learn and know!
Before I start with the essential information, I want to emphasise that each and every person is different and every woman’s body has a different biological clock. I would advise you (if you do not do it already) to find out what your own specific monthly rhythm is by tracking it on a monthly basis.
Back to the basics.
Menstruation also know as your period is what happens when your body realised that a pregnancy did not occur. It is the shedding of the lining of the womb/ endometrium. Normal cycle (from Day 1 the day you start bleeding, till the day before you bleed again) range between 26-32days. It can be classified into 4 phases.
4 Phases/ seasons:
Winter- (menstruation) approx 3-7 days.
Your hormone levels take a plunge (are very low) just before period starts- and are thus at it’s lowest during menstruation. You will experience increased fatigue- because your energy levels are at it’s lowest. This is a good time in your cycle to be introverted and introspective.
Listen to your body, get a bit of extra rest to prepare for the “seasons” ahead. Focus on rest, self- care and gentle movements. Usually on day 3 of your period your estrogen levels increase- and you can feel a spurt of energy.
Best physical activity/ exercise during this period is walking, yoga, pilates, stretching or any low energy activities.
Spring- (follicular phase) approx 7-10days.
The hormones excreted are FSH and LH- and this phase is known as the process of ripening .
Due to the raising hormone levels you will have an increase in power, confidence and energy and will be willing to take more risks. (This is a good time to get social, to get new projects going or to experience something you’ve never tried before.)
Recommended physical activity/ exercise: your body will be able to handle strenuous exercises - good time to do the challenging and energetic physical activities. Strength training, jogging, crossfit, bootcamp or any physically challenging/ high energy sctivities.
Summer- (ovulatory phase) ; approx 2-3days.
During this phase the actual release of the egg takes place. (And also how I like to call it- your time to shine and thrive!) In this time mother nature prepare you to thrive and to be the best you can be- emotionally, physically and mentally. The egg will survive 12-24 hours and will either be fertilized or die.
Hormones: Estrogen and Testosterone are rising to peak levels- all the effects from the previous phase are boosted- you will feel more power, confidence and energy. You might also experience heightened sense of vision, smell, taste and have clear thoughts and feelings.
Recommended physical activity/ exercise: go on with the physically hard, strenuous and high energy and high impact workouts as during “spring”.
Autumn- (luteal phase) approx 12-16 days. (And can be divided into 2phases).
All your hormones are starting to decline, except for progesterone that starts to increase.
During the first half of this phase, progesterone production will help you to wind down because of it’s natural sleep aid and anti-anxiety properties. This phase is a good time to start preparing for winter, such as nesting, organising your house/ office and to take care of personal to-do lists.
The second half of this phase is usually known as PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome). Increased cravings for high carb foods, mood fluctuations and feelings of isolation can take place. Day 23-28 of your cycle your endorphins are at their lowest- painful procedures will hurt the most and exercise during this period plays the most important role in feeling good.
Recommended physical activity/ exercise: yoga, core exercises, pilates, walking, recreational swimming or cycling controlled low energy type activities.
I hope this helps you to understand why your mood, energy and strength levels fluctuate throughout the month.
Q: Why is period tracking important?
A: Tracking your monthly period can give you a very good indication of your (/a woman’s) general health and status of well being. It could actually been seen as the 5th vital sign for a woman.
Q: When should you see a medical doctor?
A: If any stage/ symptom affect your daily life activities. For example. Severe headaches/ migraines, severe cramps, absence of bleeding, extreme mood-swings. If you have any personal concerns or uncertainties. These all could be due to a hormonal imbalance and would therefore be best to seek professional help.
Happy exercising!!